Sports Recovery
Varichrome® Pro
Proven therapy that prompts the body to heal.
Introducing the Varichrome® Pro
The Varichrome® Pro helps the practitioner promote their patient's return to wellness via personalized therapy. It's like having hundreds of single-output devices.
Easy to use
The practitioner personalizes the therapy by adjusting the settings during therapy.
The practitioner stimulates the body's attention systems via the Varichrome™ therapy.
The patient attempts to move normally for their stage of recovery while the beam is on.
The adjunctive therapy accelerates the healing process.
The practitioner now has access to wavelengths throughout the visible spectrum. The gentle beam of selected photons prompts the return of balance and normal healing.
The Basics
Sports injuries often begin with repeated diffuse minor insults to a muscle or other body part. At other times, impacts result in pain and loss of mobility.
Sports recovery may be accelerated by bringing the body's attention to the injured spot(s) via the Varichrome® Pro.
Red wavelengths are the most studied for musculoskeletal problems and inflammation.
However, PhotoMed's feasibility studies extend the range of useful wavelength to the entire visible spectrum.
The precise underlying impaired functions are likely not known. Impairments such inflammation, muscle knots, and strains may be present in different combinations that respond to different wavelength ranges.
The diffuse insults may respond to different settings than for the previous visit.
This chart shows the utility of different wavelength ranges documented over the past 150 years. However, the healing systems work like customers at a buffet restaurant by utilizing the wavelengths they need, one or a few at a time.
Think coordination rather than relaxation
Many therapies aim to promote relaxation. That's great for releasing muscles.
The Varichrome® Therapy aims to prompt the return of coordinated movements. 2 visits are generally enough to learn if the specific impairment may be addressed.
Like with other therapies, you have to try it to learn if the patient responds.
The practitioner can now test 1000s of combinations in minutes. That's efficiency.
Only with the Varichrome® Pro.
For the hands-on practitioner, the Varichrome® Pro is an adjunctive tool to accelerate healing. The initial responses usually occur during the 1st or 2nd visit. Additional visits are often needed to maximize or refresh improvements.