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Image by Jonathan Borba

Range of Motion

Varichrome® Pro

Proven therapy that prompts the body to heal.

Introducing the Varichrome® Pro

The Varichrome® Pro helps the practitioner promote their patient's return to wellness via personalized therapy. It's like having hundreds of single-output devices.

Indvidualized therapy - re-coordination rather than relaxation


Althea is a professional pianist. Her career was nearing an end due to her hand and shoulder impairments in 2013.


She enrolled in PhotoMed's feasibility study in 2013 to see if she could play more sets (45 minutes each) and to relieve shoulder discomfort and limited range of motion (ROM). The therapy was a success.


She came back for a refresh for her shoulder impairments in 2018 and 2023 (her hands were still fine).


This video is from Althea's second 2023 visit shows the interactions that make the therapy even more efficient.

Althea (9:55) Points to spot @1:15

Easy to use

  • The patient identifies the spot that tells her to stop raising her arm.
  • The practitioner personalizes the therapy by adjusting the settings during therapy.
  • The practitioner stimulates the body's attention systems via the Varichrome® therapy.

  • The patient attempts to move normally for their stage of recovery while the beam is on.

  • The adjunctive therapy accelerates the healing process.

The practitioner now has access to wavelengths throughout the visible spectrum. The gentle beam of selected photons prompts the return of balance and normal healing.

The basics for a loss of range of motion

You may be familiar with guarding your injured fingers, toes, or limbs. You probably avoided certain activities or people who might bump your injury.


Perhaps your body had “learned” to not to move like you ordinarily would. The uncoordinated motions introduce additional problems. The precise underlying impaired functions are likely not known.

The aim is to prompt the body to restore coordinated movements.


The Varichrome® Pro let's the practitioner efficiently test different wavelengths to find one's that patient needed.

For example, the loss of movement from a "frozen" shoulder can continue for months after an otherwise successful surgery or with no apparent cause. Physical therapy may be painful or take many visits. The Varichrome® Pro can accelerate progress or awaken the ordinary movement of limbs.


This chart shows the utility of different wavelength ranges documented over the past 150 years. However, the healing systems work like customers at a buffet restaurant by taking the wavelengths they need, one or a few at a time.

The Basics
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