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Image by Jaddy Liu


Varichrome® Pro

A Few Words From the Patients

Varichrome® Pro on Sciatica and Lower Back Injury (1:46 minutes)

By John

My Experience with Varichrome® Pro (4:11 minutes)

By Concha

John tried the therapy in 2022 to relieve pain from a fall. He is a retired pediatric medical doctor who was skeptical that the therapy might work for him.

Concha tried the therapy in 2010 for her back pain and scoliosis. The therapy helped her to continue to teach anthropology. She recently had a single visit using the Varichrome Pro to relieve her headaches and her scoliosis muscle pain.


My Healing Journey with Varichrome® Pro (3:07 minutes)

By Concha

Kristin gets her life back (1 minute)

By Kristin

Kristin's Healing Journey after the therapy ended her CRPS (7:30 minutes)

By Kristin

Dave gets his shoulder rotation back (1 minute)

Kristin tried the therapy in 2003 for her complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS, aka RSD). The therapy let her resume her career as an ICU nurse. Kristin has not needed additional therapy for her CRPS.

Dave tried the therapy in 2022 for his decades-long limited shoulder movement (frozen shoulder).

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